Multidisciplinary Visual Artist & Writer

I make art to tell hidden stories.

Inspired by ideas, systems and data, and how these can be structured, combined, translated, and communicated.

Recipient of Arts Council Developing your Creative Practice Grant (2022-2023).

[email protected]

Recent Projects

Beneath the Surface - Wytham Woods, University of Oxford (2020-onwards)

Beneath the Surface - photograph by Nancy Campbell

Beneath the Surface - photograph by Nancy Campbell

Beneath the Surface - Wytham Woods, University of Oxford

Beneath the Surface - Wytham Woods, University of Oxford

The Marconi Collection: Between Earth & Air - History of Science Museum, University of Oxford (2022 onwards)

"Between Earth & Air" - History of Science Museum, University of Oxford.

"Between Earth & Air" - History of Science Museum, University of Oxford.

accident of birth | Stars the cause - Bodleian Library, University of Oxford (2021 - 2022)

accident of birth | Stars the cause - Bodleian Library, University of Oxford

accident of birth | Stars the cause - Bodleian Library, University of Oxford